Interested in hosting an art class or drawing workshop in West Virginia or Western Pennsylvania? Please email with your inquiry!
Kids will draw along as Elisha talks a little bit about West Virginia Cryptid folklore and demonstrates how to draw Mothman, Flatwoods Monster, and the Grafton Monster.
2 hours, Ages 13-adult
Zines are an awesome creative artform that help you express anything from short comics, personal essays, activism, poetry, humor, and so much more! In this workshop Elisha will talk a little about zines as an artform and will show you how to make your own with nothing more than scissors and a piece of paper!
1.5 hours, adult
This is a date night activity for anyone wanting to improve their drawing skills. This workshop is perfect for beginners or skilled artists. Elisha will walk through basic observational drawing skills, encouraging you and your partner to learn together and inspire each other.